Keen for Quinoa

Quinoa, (pronounced keen-wah) has made its grand debut as the newest super food on the market. The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has named 2013 the “International year of the Quinoa.” Packed with tons of nutrients and its various ways to be eaten make it an exceptional ingredient for anyone to love.


A recent study by researchers at the University of Minnesota and the University of Wisconsin hails quinoa as a highly nutritious food. Researchers have discovered that “the protein quality and quantity in quinoa seed is often superior to those of more common cereal grains.”

According to the FAO, what makes quinoa a cut above other whole grains is “its adaptability to different agro-ecological floors and its potential contribution in the fight against hunger and malnutrition.”

Quinoa is a whole grain seed filled with a good source of dietary fiber and calcium. This makes it a great replacement for people who are lactose intolerant. The FAO have also noted the many uses for the quinoa seed, such as making flour, soup, breakfast cereal, or as a substitute for other whole grains.

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For people who might be allergic to certain grains or have to eat gluten-free, quinoa is a perfect choice. You can boil quinoa and mix it with fruit and nuts for a great breakfast. For lunch or dinner you can use it to make a great tasting salad that is high in protein and essential amino acids.

People who have started using quinoa in their everyday life recommend it as a replacement to other types of grains. Especially, for those who have to lead gluten-free lifestyles such as, Danielle St. Pierre. St. Pierre has searched for a replacement to rice and with quinoa she found her answer.

”Quinoa has a lot more nutrition and a ton more protein than rice, so it’s a perfect alternative for me” St. Pierre says. One of her favorite ways to use quinoa involves “using sauces to make a type of stir fry.” St. Pierre has also seen a rise in other quinoa products such as chips or bars.

Quinoa products can be picked up at stores including Whole foods or Trader Joes. Make quinoa a part of your diet today and enjoy the benefits of this whole grain super food.

As always, Stay Lovely x.

Will you be trying this new superfood? Let us know and leave your comments below!